Neonatal Transport Ventilator
The neonatal transport ventilator is located in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). It is checked daily once a shift by respiratory personnel assigned to that area. It is a pressure limited ventilator hooked to a blender for precise oxygen delivery. The neonatal transport ventilator is pneumatic and runs off oxygen and air tanks to which it is connected.
The neonatal transport ventilator has the following controls:
- Front left of isolette:
- Cycle-CPAP switch Toggles between CPAP and cycled ventilation.
- PEEP Dial knob for PEEP
- Inspiratory Time 0.2 to 2.0 seconds
- Expiratory Time 0.25 to 2.5 seconds
- Maximum Pressure dial knob
- Left side of isolette:
- Bio-Med device(Alarm)
- Time delay for apnea
- High pressure limit 20 to 100 cm H2O
- Low pressure limit 20 to 100 cm H2O
- Alarm reset
- On/off
- Blender - 21to 100% Oxygen
- Before leaving on a transport be sure to check the gas levels in the tanks on the isolette.
- When setting it up on a patient be sure to plug oxygen and air lines into the appropriate gas tanks.
- Determine whether you want the ventilator to cycled or for just CPAP to be used. Set toggle switch accordingly.
- Turn flow on to at least 6 lpm.
- Set inspiratory time as ordered by physician.
- Set expiratory time to get desired I:E ratio.
60 seconds divided by the ordered rate = total I:E time
Total I:E time ordered I time = E time
(i.e., 60 / rate 30 = 2 sec total I:E time
2 sec total I:E time ordered I time (0.4)= 1.6 sec E time)
- Set desired Oxygen %.
- Set maximum pressure knob to physician ordered level.
- Turn alarms on. Set alarm limits (high)above and (low)below maximum pressure level.
- Set time delay for apnea.
- Set PEEP to desired level as ordered by physician.
- Place on intubated neonate.
- Observe patient and check ventilator.
- Place patient on regular ventilator upon arrival at facility.