Airway Management



Expertise in airway management is important in every medical specialty. Maintaining a patent airway is a vital aspect of providing adequate oxygenation and ventilation. Failure to do so for even a brief period can be disastrous. In fact, excluding dental damage, the single largest category of anesthetic-related injury is respiratory events. The three main causes of respiratory-related injury are inadequate ventilation, esophageal intubation, and difficult tracheal intubation. Other adverse respiratory events are much less common causes of injury.



Adverse Respiratory Events
























Difficult tracheal intubation accounts for 17% of the respiratory-related injury and results in significant cost morbidity and mortality. In fact, up to 28% of all deaths associated with anesthesia are due to the inability to mask ventilate or intubate.

Other complications of difficult tracheal intubation include the following:

1.      Laceration of soft tissues.

2.      Laryngospasm.

3.      Vocal cord paralysis.

4.      Dislocation of the arytenoid cartilages or mandible.

5.      Perforation of the trachea or the esophagus.

6.      Endobronchial or esophageal intubation.

7.      Dental damage.

8.      Hemorrhage.

9.      Aspiration of gastric contents or foreign bodies.

10. Increased intracranial or intraocular pressure.

11. Hypoxemia, hypercarbia.

12. Fracture or dislocation of the cervical spine.

13. Spinal cord damage.

14. Trauma to the eyes.



Adverse reflexes are responsible for the ultimate demise of the patient. These reflexes include laryngovagal (bronchospasm, apnea, arrhythmias, hypotension), laryngosympathetic (tachycardia, tachyarrhythmias, or hypertension), and laryngospinal (bucking, coughing, or vomiting).

In addition to the cost of treating airway complications, litigation is expensive. The average settlement payment for adverse respiratory events equaled $200,000, with a range from $1,000 to $6,000,000. Settlement claims for injury due to difficult tracheal intubation averaged $76,000.

The frequency of inability to ventilate and intubate has been estimated at 0.01 to 2.0 per 10,000 anesthetics. The higher incidence occurs primarily in obstetrical patients and the obese patients.

In summary, airway problems result in significant morbidity, mortality, and cost. By identifying which patient will have a difficult airway, having a well-thought-out management plan and disaster back-up plan, and by developing and improving our technical skills, we may improve the quality of care administered.









Pathological Conditions

Variations in "normal" anatomy and characteristic airway anatomy resulting from pathological conditions can result in problems despite proper positioning and equipment. A small mouth opening, protruding upper teeth, a large tongue, immobility of the head, neck, and jaw all may result in airway difficulty as may the following conditions.

Conditions that predispose to a difficult airway include:


epiglottitis, abscesses, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia.


maxillofacial trauma, cervical spine injury, laryngeal injury.


morbid obesity, diabetes mellitus, acromegaly.

Foreign Body


Inflammatory Conditions

ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis.


upper and lower airway tumors.

Congenital Problems

choanal atresia, tracheomalacia, cleft palate, Pierre Robin syndrome, Treacher Collins syndrome, Hallermann-Streiff syndrome.

Physiologic Conditions




Avoiding Airway Problems

An airway may be difficult to manage either with mask ventilation, endotracheal intubation or both. When you are unable to mask ventilate with or without upper airway devices or with an external jaw thrust, or when he or she is unable to intubate the trachea utilizing direct laryngoscopy an airway is said to be difficult. The airway that is difficult to mask ventilate may not necessarily be difficult to intubate and vice versa. The two are not synonymous. Additionally, the degree of airway difficulty is somewhat operator- and equipment-dependent, and ranges along a continuum from easy to impossible.

Intubation difficulty may result from or be due to:

  1. Incorrect position of the patient.
  2. Inadequate or improper equipment.
  3. Unusual or abnormal anatomy.
  4. Pathologic causes.



Sniffing Position

The patient should be supine in the sniffing position with the neck slightly to moderately flexed on to the chest, and extended at the atlantooccipital joint. This brings the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes into alignment. Elevation of the head about 10 cm with pads under the occiput and with the shoulders remaining on the table aligns the laryngeal and pharyngeal axes. In this position, less of the tongue obstructs the laryngeal view and the shortest distance and straightest line is created from the incisor teeth to the laryngeal aperture. Firm forward traction on the laryngoscope and firm backward pressure on the hyoid bone allow an optimum view.



Sniffing Position











Laryngoscopic View Grades


Laryngoscopic view may be clasified into four grades:

Grade I = visualization of the entire laryngeal aperture.

Grade II = visualization of just the posterior portion of the laryngeal aperture.

Grade III = visualization of only the epiglottis.

Grade IV = visualization of just the soft palate only, not even the epiglottis is visible.

Grade II or III laryngoscopic views are relatively common and occur in 1 to 18% of surgical patients. The Grade III view occurs in about 1-4% of patients. A severe grade III or grade IV view with failed endotracheal intubation occurs 0.05 of 0.35% of patients.


Laryngoscopic View Grades







Mask Ventilation

A good mask fit is essential for assisted or controlled mask ventilation. With a poor mask fit, you must maintain steady pressure holding the mask to the face which leads to fatigue of the hand and arms. In addition, the reservoir bag will not be an adequate reservoir, making it difficult to achieve adequate positive pressure for assisted or controlled ventilation. The best size mask is the smallest mask that will accomplish the job. This will cause the least increase in dead space and be easier to hold. Caution should be used in patients with thick beards. The oropharyngeal airway or nasopharyngeal airway may relieve upper airway obstruction by lifting the epiglottis and posterior tongue off the posterior pharyngeal wall. An oropharyngeal airway that is too small may actually push the tongue back causing airway obstruction.




Nasal and Oral Airways

Description: Numerous devices that assist in maintaining patency of the upper airway. May allow ventilation by mask of a patient that you are initially unable to ventilate. Some of the devices allow passage of small fiberoptic laryngoscopes, flexible stylets, or wire guides. Some of the devices facilitate passage of fiberoptic bronchoscopes into the larynx.

Advantages: Generally allow rapid, easy placement in most patients.

Disadvantages: Depend on mask ventilation. May not be successful.

Examples of Use: Adjunct to mask ventilation or other technique of airway management.

Nasal and Oral Airways


Esophageal Airways

Esophageal Obturator, Combitube

Description: Allow positive pressure ventilation by blocking the esophagus with a large balloon cuff. Air is forced through the larynx from the pharynx. The Combitube has two cuffs to improve ventilation.

Advantages: Easy to place. Do not require laryngoscopy.

Disadvantages: Improper placement can obstruct the airway or heighten the risk of aspiration. Will not work in patients with obstruction of the airway at or below the vocal cords.

Examples of use: Emergency airway management when endotracheal intubation is not possible because of lack of skilled personnel or possibly because of inability to visualize the airway.






















The laryngoscope is the tool used for direct laryngoscopy. The laryngoscope base should be held in the left hand and the blade inserted into the right side of the patient's mouth. Special care must be taken to avoid pinching the lips between the blade and the teeth. Next, the blade is lifted upward and forward along the axis of the handle, lifting the tongue and the epiglottis forward, exposing the vocal cords. During this lifting process, one should be careful not to use the teeth as a fulcrum to lift the epiglottis which can damage the teeth or may push the larynx upwards and out of site. When a curved blade is used, the tip should be advanced to the vallecula, where the base of the tongue and the base of the epiglottis meet. With a straight blade, the tip of the blade is placed posterior to the epiglottis.

In patients with short necks, pregnant patients, patients with large breasts or with an increased A-P chest diameter, the standard length laryngoscope handle may abut against the chest. A shorter handle may facilitate placing the laryngoscope blade into the mouth. A "difficult" laryngoscopic view may improve by using a different blade. For instance, a straight blade may help improve the view in the patient with anterior vocal cords or with a small mouth opening. The curved blade may be advantageous if more room is needed for instrumentation (i.e., use of Magill forceps). Ultimately, the best blade is probably the one with which you are most familiar and most proficient.

Gentle external pressure on the thyroid cartilage may push the glottis posteriorly and help bring anterior cords into view. The endotracheal tube is inserted into the right side of the mouth, the tip passing between the vocal cords, and depth adjusted appropriately.













Airway Examination

Note factors that may make mask ventilation difficult, such as the presence of a beard or edentulousness.

Carefully assess mouth opening. An opening of at least two large finger breadths between the upper and lower incisors in the adult is desirable. The presence of loose teeth or protruding upper teeth, a high-arched palate or a long narrow mouth, and temporomandibular joint problems may predispose to difficulty with direct laryngoscopy.

The neck should be examined for masses, mobility, and deviation of the trachea. The presence of a hoarse voice, stridor or previous tracheostomy should alert the clinician to possible stenosis at some level.

One should identify the location of the cricothyroid membrane for possible use in unexpected airway loss. Determine if the patient is able to assume the sniffing position in the awake state.

There are three specific tests which when used together have almost 100% reliability in predicting airway difficulty. These are the Mallampati test, the thyromental distance, and extension at the atlantooccipi







Mallampati Classification

The Mallampati classification relates tongue size to pharyngeal size. This test is performed with the patient in the sitting position, the head held in a neutral position, the mouth wide open, and the tongue protruding to the maximum. The subsequent classification is assigned based upon the pharyngeal structures that are visible.

Class I = visualization of the soft palate, fauces, uvula, anterior and posterior pillars.
Class II = visualization of the soft palate, fauces and uvula.
Class III = visualization of the soft palate and the base of the uvula.
Class IV = soft palate is not visible at all.

The classification assigned by the clinician may vary if the patient is in the supine position (instead of sitting). If the patients phonates, this falsely improves the view. If the patient arches his or her tongue, the uvula is falsely obscured. A class I view suggests ease of intubation and correlates with a laryngoscopic view grade I 99 to 100% of the time. Class IV view suggests a poor laryngoscopic view, grade III or IV 100% of the time. Beware of the intermediate classes which may result in all degrees of difficulty in laryngoscopic visualization.

Mallampati Classification









Larynx and Trachea

The rigid laryngeal structures are the hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage and arytenoid cartilage. Inferior to the cricoid cartilage are tracheal cartilages. The cricoid cartilage is a complete ring and is used to prevent passive reflux of stomach contents during cricoesophageal occlusion pressure.

Many airway techniques involve identification and puncture of the cricothyroid membrane. Palpate the thyroid cartilage and move down to the space between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages to identify the membrane. The thyroid cartilage is usually prominent in males. In females the thyroid cartilage is less prominent. An alternative method is to palpate the tracheal cartilages and move in a superior direction until the cricoid and thyroid cartilages are appreciated.


           Larynx and Trachea




















Laryngeal Cartilages

The Cricothyroid artery is a small branch of the superior thyroid artery. It travels along the inferior border of the thyroid cartilage and becomes smaller as it reaches the midline. Cricothyroid puncture in the midline, inferior part of the membrane above the cricoid cartilage is least likely to produce bleeding.

The thyroid gland is supplied by the large superior and inferior thyroid arteries. The gland is highly vascular. A pyramidal lobe may extend to the hyoid bone. Puncture below the cricoid cartilage has increased risk of bleeding. Palpate the puncture site carefully and avoid any masses.


Laryngeal Cartilages






















Laryngoscopic View

View during laryngoscopy is variable. Under ideal circumstances the epiglottis, arytenoid cartilages and nearly the entire vocal cords will be visible.

Laryngoscopic View






























Airway Illustration



Airway Illustration























Local Anesthesia of the Airway


Local anesthesia of the airway can minimize discomfort during awake intubation. Awake intubation is desirable in many cases of anticipated difficult intubation. Airway muscle tone and patency are preserved and spontaneous ventilation continues. Risk of aspiration is minimized. If the intubation attempt fails, the patient can still breathe.


Adequate patient preparation is critical to the success of awake intubation. Inadequate preparation will lead to an uncomfortable patient and great difficulty with the intubation. The best results require time. You should set aside at least a half an hour to produce the desired effect.


Use caution with sedation during awake intubation. Sedation can help the patient tolerate the local anesthetic and intubation technique, but sedation may diminish spontaneous respiration, airway muscle tone and patency and protection from aspiration. Discussion of the local anesthesia and intubation techniques with the patient is important to reduce patient anxiety and help secure cooperation.














Topical Anesthesia

Sensation from the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx are supplied by branches of the trigeminal nerve. Sensation from the oral mucosa and oropharynx are supplied by branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

 Topical anesthesia of the mouth and oropharynx may be accomplished with topical sprays such as cetacaine spray and 10 % lidocaine spray. Local anesthetics are absorbed through the mucosa. These sprays take several minutes to provide anesthesia and may be applied repeatedly for best effect.

Secretions can dilute and wash away local anesthetic for topical anesthesia. Antisialagogues can improve the effectiveness of topical agents. Glycopyrrolate is a good antisialagogue that causes minimal tachycardia.

Direct spray of topical local anesthetics to the nose can be uncomfortable. Topical anesthesia of the nose and nasopharynx may be accomplished by directing the patient to inhale nebulized local anesthetic. 4 ml of 4% lidocaine may be used.


Topical Agents









Airway Cart

Airway emergencies require quick action to avoid patient injury. A difficult airway cart stocked with critical supplies and kept in a known, convenient location can save valuable time during an emergency. A difficult airway cart can provide an obvious location for infrequently used items and can support a variety of techniques.



Difficult Airway Cart
















Confirmation of Tracheal Intubation

It is critical to confirm correct placement of the endotracheal tube after an intubation attempt. The most reliable method for determination of tube placement is direct vision of the endotracheal tube through the vocal cords. When direct vision is not possible, tube position may be confirmed by passing a fiberoptic bronchoscope down the endotracheal tube. The carina is an easily recognized landmark.

The presence of exhaled CO2 suggests that the endotracheal tube is somewhere in the airway. The mouth, nose, pharynx and larynx are part of the airway. CO2 in the stomach from carbonated beverages or airway gasses put there during mask ventilation is less prominent than respiratory CO2 and tends to diminish with each breath.

A-P and lateral fluoroscopy can indicate endotracheal tube position.

Other methods are less reliable. Breath sounds can be difficult to diagnose especially with aspiration, pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Breath sounds can indicate endobronchial placement of the endotracheal tube. Palpation of the anterior neck during passage of the endotracheal tube, condensation inside the tube, and light visible through the skin of the anterior neck are less reliable signs.

You should combine several observations to make the diagnosis of endotracheal tube position, including a C02 detector.


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